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This is a Chinese player who likes your game very much.  I am a big fan of otome game and I've invited two groups of my friends to play with me. 

But the pity is the game does not support Chinese and some of my friends cannot fully understand the content. 

So is there any chance for me to help you translate the game into Chinese or other localization work?

Hi, thank you but no, I have no plans to translate.

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Seems that itchio support for european virtual card is very limited… Don’t know the exact issue but cannot buy the game with my usual method… ( strange, already used it in the past… ).

Is the game only on itchio ?

Update: Finaly got it via another method…

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Buy this game! It's amazing and such a creative idea. Totally recommend. Telling ppl on all my platforms to get it


hi, is there any way to purchase the game with all routes in one go? i'd love to support your work, the demo has convinced me haha


I'm currently working on it. Some of the background art needs polishing up to be ready for a full-game release, and it could be up to another 3 months to get through my list of fix ups, if you're willing to wait. 


thank you for your answer. of course i'm willing to wait, anything for a good game experience!


hi! first off just wanna say congrats on the amazing game <3 story, artwork and characters are absolutely captivating and i was wondering if you were planning on releasing the dream alchemist on steam somehow (it would be easier to purchase with other curencies), in any case super excited for your future work!


Hi and thanks for playing! I am considering steam, but no concrete plans yet.

Alasdair's route did not disappoint <3
I loved all the LI (maybe Atlas' slightly less ? I'm not huge on forbidden romance), and I especially enjoyed the fact that each route allows to uncover different parts of the mystery.

I'll keep an eye out for your future work !


Hey, thanks for playing! I'll be back sooner or later with something new

This was a fantastic project and blast to experience. All LIs are unique in their on way, I wish it was longer and have more cgs but thanks really worth it to pay for this game. Looking forward to see your other games!


Thank you, will likely do cgs on next game, but happy you've enjoyed playing it 😀 


The atlas route was SO GOOD. a nice touch of slow burn, and perfect forbidden lovers. starting the alasdair route now, unsure how i can move on from atlas though lmao. this game is incredible ◡̈  and i love the historical accuracy as well!

Happy you're enjoying it !


The best dollar I've spent in my entire life


Thank you!


Thank you for your hardwork and dedication! 

I see myself replaying and enjoying this more than once ♡

Hello played the demo and I'm already in love with it. Though how do I purchase the routes? Do I need to donate money to do so?  Other games I purchased before have a link with the update


Yep, you have to pay a dollar to access the rest of the game, all routes are complete.


Will there be a comprehensive version of the game? As in, all routes together?


Yes, but not for a few months. Taking a break for a bit and then I'll polish up the game as a whole for release.


omg omg i've been waiting so long for alasdair's route, i'm so happy!!! :D gonna play it rn <3




Hi! I just finished Felix's route and I loved it. I wanted to know if there is a perfect ending or if every stat gives you a good ending. So far I've only got the Charisma ending.


Every stat ending is a good ending, and the afterstory varies slightly. There's no perfect ending, just play it how you like.

How to play other route on Mac?


If you scroll down the list of downloads there is a Mac version for Theo, Felix and atlas' route, there's an apple icon on the right. Alasdair's route is not currently out

I downloaded all routes on Mac,but I don't know how to open


Here's a reddit thread talking about it. I really hope that helps.


Thank you very much.

Hi, was wondering how to get on Theo's route? It keeps saying his route isnt available in this version :(


Did you download the right version? You need the one that says theos route in the title, it's at the bottom of the download list


Oh my god, I cant believe I didnt figure that out sooner! Yep! that was the issue, I had the wrong version downloaded. Thank you so much! Going to play it now :)

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Loved Felix route! That was something incredible! He was very extraordinary character and I really enjoyed how his relationship with mc developed) Not to mention how hot and sexy he is :)

I loved the demo and bought the current routes.! I was wondering if there was a walkthrough though or is it not needed?

There's no walkthrough. I considered it, but decided it was pretty easy to see what stat path the player was on by watching the bars climb. If you have any questions about finding bad endings or whatnot you can ask me here or on one of my socials

Do we ever get to learn more about the shadow & who it is?


Yep the next two routes reveal more about the shadow, who they are and what they want 

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Can't wait for Felix's route. Sorry, do you have any idea of when it's going to be released?


I'd say about 4-6 months. I release monthly updates over on Tumblr

i've been enjoying atlas' route so much! thank you :) it appears that i can't romance felix in this route, though he is present. could i get some help with this? thanks! 

Hi, Felix actually gets his own route which will be released next so this one is primarily Atlas' route with a side of Felix. If you've filled Felix's affection point bar on the left of the screen you'll unlock endings with Felix but you won't be able to properly romance him until the next release,  sorry!


Such an incredible game!! It is SO beautiful and its really interesting. The art is so gorgeous (Alphonse Mucha whomst??) and the writing is so fun. I loved following this story and it's so easy to read, so I totally recommend it! I keep saying I'm not a friends to lovers kinda gal but beautifully written stories like this keep proving me wrong, and I'm so excited for Theo's route (though I will admit Alasdair caught my eye immediatley and never really un-caught it) <3


aww thank you 😊 


loved the demo so much!!! im gonna smooch the catboy uwu

and also all the other ROs because i actually really really like them all!!! usually im very much a pick-favorites type of person but i'm fascinated by all the characters; they all feel real and distinct and fun and i'm excited to learn more about them


Thank-you! :)


this is too amazing omg i'm totally rooting for the development n full game of this :D the lore n the characters are too damn interesting 


Thanks! Full game is coming along at a decent pace - you can see progress here.

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I just finished it. It's really great. The artstyle, lore and world-building suits each other perfectly. All the characters, their design and the story feel like a mix between WW1/2 European/middle eastern history and Jugendstil. Which makes sense because Jugenstil was around WW1. Including the tid-bit, that is very important, about the refugees of a lost nation and their forceful resettlement hits home with me and I'm so glad that you mentioned it in a game about nations trying to eat each other.

I must say whenever an otome game pops up it's very rare that I find every of the LIs appealing or interesting. This here goes beyond "oh he looks nice I guess". They all have interesting and solid personalities. The dialogue flows naturally. Oh and all that lovely hair.... *cough*. Visually everyone of the LI is gorgeous and totally my type. You are really good at drawing expressions which also aid the characterization of a characters. They just really fit each of them. The amount of different sprites you've drawn for each scene is pretty impressive.

I'm very happy with the dialogue options we get presented with. Makes it hard to pick one, because they often all have their merit.

And sorry about blabbing about the LIs, but again... it's pretty rare for me to find an otome like visual novel were every male LI suits my taste. I like long hair and preferably no beard or even a beard stubble. Hah... You even gave them a banging personality and didn't turn them into idiots with no agency or goals.

Hi! What a wonderful comment, you're spot on - I borrowed much from the real life events that plagued the early 20th century leading up to the Great War. However, it is far, far too big a subject to cover in a single otome game, so I tried to pick the important themes. I left out the Spanish Flu, for example since we're all well over it after experiencing our own pandemic.

As for the LIs - I guess we have the same tastes!


Lovely demo, the premise is really interesting and the worldbuilding seems like it will deliver. The game does need a bit of proofreading/testing (sometimes the text goes beyond the box or the wrong Nova sprite shows up - with longer hair when she's supposed to have short hair), but these are minor details compared to how promising it looks. I'd be really interested in seeing how the two Felix routes will branch out, seeing as to how they shared quite a bit of text in the beginning (they had to of course, for us to get to know him more). Great job and looking forward to seeing more!


Thank-you! I'll have the errors fixed in next update - must have missed them in my run through, thanks for letting me know. 


Played this demo today and it is super stylish and captivating! Really enjoying Nova's range of dialogue options, and particularly intrigued by Alasdair. Agree with a previous commenter about the font - it's lovely, but slightly hard to read. Best of luck with the development of this game. I'm beyond eager for more!

Hey, thanks for the feedback! Font will be fixed in next update.


This game is just dripping in style, I loved every bit of the Mucha aesthetic but I was also pleasantly surprised by how fleshed out the lore and setting was. The story had so many twists and turns I couldn't stop reading! The font is a bit hard to read at first but I got used to it after a while.


Cheers for commenting, I did wonder about the font - might be worth simplifying in next update. 


Loved this! I love a good friends-to-lovers path + flirty LIs, so naturally, Theo had my attention immediately, but Felix is also an interesting LI who I'd definitely replay for.

I'm curious about Alasdair (since I was hardcore Theo this first playthrough, I barely saw Alasdair) so I'll probably replay and get his help lol. 

Basically, I think you've created at least two, and probably three, great LIs and an interesting story, and I'll definitely be following your progress!  

Thank you! I'm sure you'll enjoy Alasdair too, quirks and all.

wow,I'm sold


Absolutely loved it btw

It looks like it will be an amazing game!I played the demo and it was awesome.All of the characters are interesting and I can't wait to find out the rest of the story.Love interests are so handsome too!

I'm happy to hear it!


I love this! I immediately went for Alasdair but really all three of the guys were super interesting. The premise and plot immediately hooked me and the dialogue options are perfect (a lot made me laugh). I can't wait for more :)


I'm pleased! Alasdair seems to be popular, good thing I've got big plans for him...


Made an account so I could comment here. This demo was amazing, I enjoyed it so much!! The premise is unique, and I am looking forward to seeing how the rest of the story will go. The RO are all interesting, although Alasdair has been my favorite so far. Even though he makes me a bit suspicious...The soundtrack is good, and the GUI is one of the most beautiful ones I have seen in a visual novel. All things considered, this is an amazing demo, and I can't wait to see more from you!


Thanks so much for the lovely comment!


big fan of this so far!!! very interesting premise




I really really  like this visual novel it's so unique usually i don't like mc to have her own design i like to imagine or customize but i like her and also the STORYLINE IS AMAZING and every other character is unique just one thing the backgrounds need more work they look a little bit to plain i don't know how to decribe it i think just the colouring anyway good luck 


Hi, thanks for the comment, I'm happy you like my little game! I agree with you on the backgrounds, I wanted them to be simple but I think they've come out a little flat instead. I'll look into adding more dimension for the final product.